Simple div with touch-action: pan-x
Simple div with touch-action: pan-y
Simple div with touch-action: pan-x pan-y
Simple div with touch-action: manipulation
Explicitly setting touch-action: pan-x does nothing to prevent propagation of none
Explicitly setting touch-action: none prevent propagation of pan-y
Disjoint flags intersect to none
Explicitly setting touch-action: auto does nothing to prevent propagation of 'pan-x pan-y'
Explicitly setting touch-action: pan-x pan-y does nothing to prevent propagation of pan-x
Disjoint flags intersect to none
Touch-action: pan-x is not propagated into overflow-scroll elements
Explicitly setting touch-action: manipulation does nothing to prevent propagation of 'pan-x'
Explicitly setting touch-action: auto does nothing to prevent propagation of 'manipulation'